Thursday 5 November 2009

To Dye or Not to Dye

I really really want to dye my hair. However I am a little worried as I have not put chemicals on my hair for nearly 10 years.

Anyway, while i still think about it I thought I would share this story that highlights the importance of doing the skin sensitivity test before you dye you hair and make sure you follow the instructions

Hair dye puts women in burns unit


V @ Locks-N-Motion said...

I know I'm late, but I have been away for a while.

Happy Lockversary your locks look wonderful. I also loved the loc/hawk with the curls.

As for the dye that is a really hard decision to make epecially when it comes to locks.

Burns Unit? I didn't know those chemical could be so harsh!

Chrissystina said...

Why not try some Henna and Indigo instead. I have never put chemical in my hair ever, but I am dying for some kind of color change. however, I do not want any damage from it. Henna looks awesome, but I need to find an expert who could do it for me, I don't trust myself to put color in (I don't know how girls could put in their own relaxers, yeesh!)