Ok well i have been tagged twice in one evening. I do not fully know what i am meant to do but i will give it ago. As i understand it i am meant to copy and paste the instructions from the blog of whoever tagged me. I am not 100% certain of how to link the ppl who tagged me but i will try. I was tagged by
Kisha and also
Tamara1) Link to the person(s) that tagged you.
2) Post the rules on your blog.
3) Share 6 non important quirks/things/habits about yourself.
4) Tag 6 random, people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs. (Her link is posted on the right side of this page)
5) Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a post on their blog.
Ok here are the 6 things about myself
- I hate talking about myself as i never know what to say. I prefer to answer specific questions so that you get the info you want. I hate it when ppl say to me, so tell me about yourself, to which i usually reply what to do want to know. But on the other hand i hate answering a load of questions that i think i am completing a survey
- I am a shy person and i can quite easily go somewhere new and not speak to anyone but that is sommit i am working on. I've been told i am mad when you get to know me
- i can get really bad road rage and its the only time i swear which i hate as i dont want to swear. Middle lane drivers bug me, move over you aint over taking anything and stop forcing everyone else into the 3rd lane to over-take you properly. I have been know to under-take, which i know is naughty. Also ppl who move infront of you and then dont go anywhere, move over. Tail-gaters, yes your car may be faster than mine but if the middle lane drivers moved over i wouldnt need to be in this lane, back off. However, i am not to bad in traffic jams as we aint moving, its when i can be moving and some idiot is crawling along in front of me. Anyway, deep breath and onto the next one LOL
- I also hate stupid fwd emails. Things that are thought provoking i do not mind but silly things bug me. I doubt very much that Bill Gates is gona give you a dollar for every person you fwd the email to, i dont care if the world will implode in the next 5 mins if i do not fwd this to everyone on my list, hotmail is not closing down and i do not need to fwd to everyone to show i still use it, fwd petitions are a waste of time as it just becomes fragmented as ppl fwd it it needs to be centralised. and the list goes on
- I love chocolate-chip cookie dough Ben and Jerrys Ice Cream, mmmmm yummy
- I am a Seventh-day Adventist Christian
Ok now i have to find 6 random ppl to tag. I am sure that most ppl have already been tagged so i am on the hunt:
Sunsail, this is so hard as everyone seems to have been tagged already
Elizabeth, and