Then i set about putting the perm rods in. I used smaller size ones for the back and near the front. I did find that the perm rods did not seem that secure compare to for example soft spikes. I am not sure if it's because my perm rods are old so the elastic is loose. After they were in i sat under the hairdryer (I really need to buy one). I was under it for approx hour and half on and off. It probably didnt need that long but i wanted to make sure it was good and proper dry, plus i was watching tv.

I took the perm rods out that night as i knew there was noway i could sleep with them in. I didn't seperate the curls though and left them the little ringlets. I didnt have a hair net so i was worried how the curls would hold up. I find when I curl my hair puttin a hairnet on before my scarf at night makes the curls last longer.

The next day i seperated the curls and they had lasted. I quite like the curls. I didn't get the ringlets like i had see with other ppl but then again those were tradition locs so much thicker and were also maturer. I don't see much difference to the soft spikes so i decided to leave the perm rods at my parents so i can curl when i am there and use spoft spikes at home.

The pics below were taken 2day 4 days after i curled them. Bcos i didnt have my hairnet with me the curls began to drop but still looks good in my opinion. It's just wild and free

On a different note i ordered the nappyloc tool & i received it yday when i got back to my place. Next week when i do my re-tightening i will do a comparison and see how it goes, so watch this space
Well the morning after i made this post i was on the internet gettin quotes for my car insurance and i ended up on youtube looking at loc videos & i was inspired to try styling my locs. I was a bit skeptical as my locs are short and these styles were done on long locs. It's almost a lochawk but not quite, i guess i don't hve a name for it jus an updo. All i did was twist up the sides diagonally and secured with pins. Intially i just did the left side but then i decided to do the right side as well. My hair could do with a retight so my partings are not that neat but to be honest i wasnt all that bothered about gettin it too neat i like the messy look. And the curls add body & gives it that lil extra sommit. Below are pics clicking on them and the ones above should show them bigger. I like the style so i think i would try it again.

Great curls!
I'm tagging you so please stop by my blog to find out the rules.
9th Hr Poet
Thank you
I've been tagged before and i don't have anything new to add at this time
The curls and the updo came out beautifully!!
Thanks for stopping by my fotki. My consultant is Michelle Yearwood you have her on your blog so I guess you know who I am talking about. I tried the perm rods as well but they didn't curl how I would have liked, so I guess I will have to wait until I gain some length before I try that again.
your hair is beautifull and I like your glasses too they look like mine.Many Blessings
That's the great thing about having very small locks. You have versitility that we with larger dreads don't have. Your locs are beautiful.
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